Fair Practices Code (FPC)

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Whistle Blower & Vigil Mechanism

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Grievance Redressal Policy

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Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy

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Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

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Prohibition of Insider Trading Code

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KYC & AML Policy

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Code of Conduct & Procedure for fair disclosure of UPSI

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Appointment Remuneration and Evaluation Policy

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Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Independent Directors

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Internal Guidelines on Corporate Governance Policy

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Familiarization Programme for Independent Directors

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Related Party Transaction Policy

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Policy on appointment of Statutory Auditors

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Anti-bribery & Anti-corruption policy

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Diversity & Inclusion policy

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Health & Safety Policy

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Dividend Distribution Policy

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CSR Policy

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Policy on determining material subsidiaries

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Policy on determination of Materiality of Disclosures

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Archival policy

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